TPK Rated as One of the Taiwan High-Tech Top 100 and Asia High-Tech Top 100 by Business Next
TPK was rated 8th in the "2012 Taiwan High-Tech Enterprises Top 100" and 13th in the "2012 Asian High-Tech Enterprises Top 100" organized by Business Next and was selected as one of the top 100 high-tech enterprises in both Taiwan and Asia.
According to TPK President Tom Sun, "TPK was the company with the least history among all nominees. Thus, we are very thankful and will continue our efforts. Mass production began just five years ago. Today, the shipping volume of TPK's touch products has increased from 250 pieces to 140 million pieces. In the future, we will cultivate more customers to mitigate risk from a few large clients and to begin our touch panel deployment at the correct time. In addition, we will diversify our touch panel technology development. For example, OSG (one glass solution) touch panels are suitable for use on slim products. I believe that TPK will to occupy high-tech and market niches and conquer the global touch panel market. "
Source: Business Next, Vol. 217).